Showing posts with label Hitler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hitler. Show all posts

What do you mean by Goebbelsian lie? How does it affect the Indian Politics?

                            Many Indian researcher do believe that it was Thomas Macaulay, a pioneer of English education in India who proposed the idea of a typical Goebbelsian lie. In one of his addresses to British Assembly he said that Indians are fools and we can easily play with their emotions with one simple rule.

                           "Repeat a lie a thousand times and  it becomes the truth"

                           Whether Thomas Macaulay was using this concept or not is a subject of debate. However, there is no doubt that Joseph Goebbels used this to arrange one of the anarchist campaigns of Nazi propaganda history. Goebbels believed that with constant repetition of ideas we can make people believe it. No matter whether the idea is a truth or not. He used this concept to make Germans believe that it is only Hitler who could save them from the worst conditions of their life.

                           While using this famous concept with the help of Hitler, he used various measures to propose Nazi propaganda. This includes designing of famous Swastika symbol, exercise of saluting in typical Hitler style and constantly flooding newspaper with the basic concepts of hatred. As all this happened for quite a long time, people started believing in him. And the results were terrifying, it took long years for people to realize the true nature of Hitler. It is a big irony that except for Colonel Stauffenberg, no one really went against Hitler.

                         Similar things are happening in India. It is not that only Congress is using this famous concept but newly hopeful Kejarival's AAP party is also exercising this idea. One problem in India is that politicians do believe that people are real fools. They can propose and promise anything and people have to follow it. For this to happen they took the similar measures which Hitlers government was taking during the world war 2.

                         Narendra Modi is a front runner in using this lie. His brand Gujarat concept is making people recognize him as a capitalist Jesus of India. All this is happening because of large amount of record-breaking money spent on advertising campaigns. Perennial flooding of promises in various newspaper, International summits on Brand Gujarat, Fashion statements through branded clothes and strong management themes are some of the aspects of Modi's Gujarat Model.

                         Is it all true? To some extent it is true but not totally. Raghuram Rajan commity recently placed Gujarat in the developing class two model states. It lags behind in some major aspects in nearly all the major sectors. All the things which are shown are nothing but the emotional campaigns backed by the Management teams. With this concepts, he is heading for the most powerful post in India. People knew about Gujarat riots but they don't have any option left. They will surely vote for him as anti incumbency factor of Congress is in their minds.

                         Kejariwal is the second person who uses this idea very well. When he started his campaign people loved him. But slowly they realized that he is one of the products of that typical political basket. People think that as he has proposed the ideas of anti corruption so he should act like Gandhian. Is it really possible for him? I think yes, when someone is pretending to act like a lone savior of India then he has take every precautions to become a believed legend.

                         He has to show in his behavior the true nationalist values. He needs to take care that his campaign or crowd gathering methods should not become a mess for public order. His every act should be in accordance with the constitution. It is only then that he can become a winner.

                         However, what is happening with Kejariwal's malicious strategy is a real problem. He is also using Goebbelsian lie to its biggest extent. He is constantly repeating his anti corruption propaganda. He believes in making his every act a sensational event. He thinks that it is only his party in which great nationalists are present.

                         A true nationalist should accept his mistakes. Kejariwal lacks in the act of valor and the tolerance. AAP party has totally forgot the art of listening. They have become the atom boys who have not even spared media. There is the fear that they might bring the police state in India.

                         With the election campaign in full swing it is the people who have to recognize their conscious and vote for the correct party. This can happen only if they will minutely research the promises of these political parties. India is going for the election where 10 crore new people will vote for the first time. Most of them are young and dynamic. They can surely recognize the lie and the truth. Politicians will have to be careful before promising. Otherwise they will have to pay a price for that.

Otto Skorzeny and his brave mission to rescue Benito Mussolini

                      When we thought about brave military missions, happened on the back of the world, which required tremendous planning and brave hearts with soul of a lion, our eyes fixes on three incidences. First of course is 9/11 this is because of sudden and unexpected blow to great Americans and superb planning by Al Qaida to pinch New York in its heart.  Second mission is about the brave military planning done to assassinate Hitler by colonel Staffenberg in a mission Valkarie. 

          Staffenberg is considered as a most fearless man in the history of war. Third story is different from both of these two because it had a great deal of danger than that of mission in which Osama Bin laden was captured. This story is about world war second’s most dangerous planner and executioner colonel Otto Skorzeny and his world famous mission to rescue Benito Mussolini.

          ‘Europes most dangerous man’ as been said in post war trial by judges, Skorzeny was born in Austria. The effects of World War 1 caused his family severely poor condition. In his young days he joined German military as an engineer. His special skills to design trunks which would pass oil tankers  to the ship earned him higher rank in military. During war in Poland he used tactic of wearing opposite force’s uniform and suddenly ransacking them.  These special skills forced him to answer Hitler’s call when these leaders order him to join a special secret mission to rescue Benito Mussolini of Italy. Mussoliny so called as duke was Hitler’s only ally. He was overthrown by local government.

           First challenge by Otto skorzeny was to find where Mussoilini is placed. Italian government just tracked the codes of Nazis so they knew that something fishy and Hitler will certainly try to rescue Mussolini. They brought him to Ponzo one of the secret I-land. Skorzeny who was on his search came to know about his location but before he could act Skorzeny was shifted to some other place. After hunting for his location for over two months they finally got information about Skorzeny. There is an interesting story as how skorzeny got his info.

            Skorzeny  revealed that in a bar they saw a girl who was upset on inquiring she told him about his boyfriend who duty was canceled. She told them about Grann Saso, a place which was 6600 meters high. So skorzeny and his men started searching for the place. In a role of environmentalist they started looking for clue and best way was to start conversation. Once Skorzeny obtained to have conversation with a guy who was soldier placed at a base. After talking about few minutes skorzeny said ” I have heard that benito is been shifted in a rome”. The soldier in a hurry of showing that he has real info, “No he is not there Last night we brought him here.”

            The next task was to rescue Mussolini and it was indeed difficult as Mussolini was Placed in hotel well above 6600 meters from the ground. After researching on different options, Skorzeny decided to use Parachutes. So on 12 September 1943 they left to Grann saso with the help of Gliders. However their mission was halted when their gliders were attack by airplanes of opposite force. Only two gliders were remaining and the thing which considered as a grass was actually a steep slope which they forgot to mark. Despite these difficulties they landed on the the hotel. Skorzeny was badly injured. 

            However, with the help of remaining teammates he fought bravely and rescued Mussoliny. "Furrer has send me to take you", said the skorzeny to Mussolini. Mussolini hugged him and then they both went to Hitlars place with the aircraft which can accommodate only two person, however, brave Skorzeny ensured Mussolini that nothing will happen. When they meet Hitler he said “You have just made the history”. In a later mission Otto Skorzeny was awarded with Iron cross, a highest military medal in Germany. The rescue mission is considered as most daring in the history of world war.

The fight of the Leningrad

             "Troy fell, Rome fell, but Leningrad will never fall"
               Imagine a cold weather of Russia having temperature of -20 to -30 degree Celsius. Last three months have been passed and there is no food. People have already finished eating birds, horses, dogs and cats which they used to domesticate. Still there is no food.So now they have turned to human beings, situation has forced them to eat their city-men. People have turned into cannibalism. They are eating their own colleague for the sake of hunger. Government is providing 250 gram of food per day to military and civilians, which is not sufficient to fight.

               In addition to this situation, there is around 1.2 million of the enemy soldier at the gate of city, they have bombarded some thousand bombs in last three months. Deaths are so usual that every square is a pile of 20 to 30 new men felling because of the hunger. Each new day is bringing some 700 to 1000 deaths. Life expectancy of a new soldier in Leningrad has become 24 hours. The siege of Leningrad is the most fierce battle in the history of mankind. It is one of my favorite battles of research as it gives many brave untold stories.

              In the month of June 1941 breaking the code of no war with USSR, German launch operation Barbarossa on USSR .

              "First Leningrad then Stalingrad and then Moscow" was the order given by Hitler. 'Starve them to death' were the policy by Germans. They encircled Leningrad with the help of fin-lands army.

                On the other side there was Stalin who ordered not a step back. So new soldiers who joined the battle from Russia were in dual mode. A new recruit had no option but to fight. A situations was there, when only one soldier was given a gun and another soldier had to run behind him without gun. So when the front soldier would die the second soldier behind him who has no weapon, had to take his weapon. If someone in this chaos tried to move back he was being killed by his own men. The fierce battle continued till November by that time the population of Leningrad now st. Spitsbergen, was reduced to half, mostly due to hunger. 


                Winter came with new hope for people as lake Ladoga started to freeze. The battle now took turned across the lake as most of the reinforcement came from it. It became road of life for many people. German did bombard the lake so that Russian vehicles should drown. However, the brave Russian still brought it giving life to many people. No evacuation of citizen were ordered as Stalin thought it means downgrading the moral. In the chaos of this fierce battle Stalin carried out parade of red army in Moscow to boost the moral of Russians.

                Hitler on the other side frustrated by Leningrad, launch an attack on industrial city of Stalingrad now Volgograd. The battle of Stalingrad an ambitious city of Stalin saw biggest deaths. Within two months the 90 % of the city fell. Stalin repeated not a step back. The world saw a emergence of new hero Vasily Zaytsev , a sniper with great skill who killed as far as 243 Germans high ranking officer. Vasily so frustrated Germans, that they had to call for special officer of their head sniper institute. Vasily's heroics with sniper inspired Stalingrad, it inspired Stalin and it inspired Russia. They  launch counter attack taking Stalingrad from Germans.  By the end of February 1943 Stalingrad was captured as reinforcement to it was possible from river Volga.

                 Now the whole focus of Russia and Germans came again on Leningrad  the city became hell again waiting for winter. "The fight will continue still last man of Leningrad stands" roared Stalin. The new brigade of young red army launched final attack in the January 1944 taking Germans far away from the city. The Russians won but they had to fetch a price for that, a price of 1.7 million Russians citizens and soldiers. 

                 The siege of Leningrad was far more severe than the two atomic bombs which America dropped on Japan. The men who died were not only fighting for their land but for the order which was given.