Sanjay Datt is one of those actors. He did a crime of hiding weapons in his apartment when Mumbai attack was taking place.
So whenever actors commit mistakes there is trend to support them. The whole media goes in support, whole friends of actors go in support and even the judicial system goes to support.
What about people who lost their life because of these actors. What about people who fought the battle to get justice for there dear ones? What about law which gets biased in case of celebrities?
I remember the time and the historical event when Nanasaheb was got killed in front of his uncle. I remember the time of the next day when Ramshastri the chief justice of Peshva dynasty told bravely that "whenever there is biased in law for richer and stronger people there will be the end". History after that is well known to us. Peshwa dynasty collapsed and got maligned. They were not able to live to the expectations of Shivaji Maharaj's great l era. There was a end.